The Magical Scroll

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    • IP Category
    • Sub-category
      Fantasy, Education
    • Target Age Group
    • IP Service Page

    IP Introduction

    ▶ K-pop singer character (Hanbok K-pop Friends) wears hanbok and creates popular characters and stories around the world
    The fact that it was reinterpreted based on the foundation makes it more different

    ◆ 3 min education Kpop English x Korean "with musical animation" and the story fits in your head!
    - Most of the lines and fingerprints of the story are melodized to pioneer the genre of musical animation and English and Korean
    Two-Trek recording vocals and local subtitles to enable original and competitive Edutech animation
    - Our professional K-pop production team produced a storytelling-type "musical English x Korean animation" to create a global brand
    Built and centered on kids over the age of 5, it's fun, moving, and learning Korean and English for all ages!