바이어 정보 확인



    Virtuos 기업 로고 이미지
    • 기업 카테고리
    • 국가 정보
    • 홈페이지
    • 희망 비즈매칭 유형
      공동기획/제작, 파트너십 구축
    • 관심 콘텐츠 분야
      웹툰/만화, 게임, 애니메이션, 캐릭터

    기업 소개

    Founded in 2004, Virtuos is a leading content production company specializing in video game development and art production. With operations across Asia, North America, and Europe, we are home to over 3,800 full-time professionals.

    Virtuos is on a mission to shape the future of game creation, by sourcing the brightest global talent in art, engineering and game design, equipping them with industry-leading technologies, tools and technology, and empowering future game creators to collaborate with the best game companies globally.