poke that Hippo's eye

    poke that Hippo's eye IP 이미지 1

    IP Introduction

    A family takes one last trip with their terminally ill grandmother, only to be stranded in a mountain cabin.
    They fight desperately against "it" that rips off a person's head and eats it up.

    A bad family takes a terminally ill grandmother on their last family trip to visit Mount Gongma. On the way to the cabin, a landslide causes a car to overturn and the grandmother dies on the spot. The surviving family of four tries to recover her body, but a fierce hippo-shaped monster hunts her and the body becomes her food. When the family finally returns to the cabin, they learn from other guests that the typhoon's landslides have stranded everyone in the cabin. With a man-eating monster outside, the struggle for survival begins. However, from day two, guests are found murdered one by one. A mysterious series of murders in the cabin and a giant 'it' that appears outside the cabin.
    Will Woozi's family be able to escape from the echo hut without dying?